Call for Artists: January 23 – February 23, 2018

Tour dates: May 12 – 13 & 19 – 20, 2018

Boundaries: West of I-35, East of Mopac, South of HWY 183, North of William Cannon

Fee: $175

WEST is a free, annual, art event spanning two weekends in May, providing artists with an opportunity to engage with the public in the unique spaces where Austin’s art is made and exhibited. Artists are invited to share their creative process, materials, tools, techniques and inspirations with a broad and diverse audience.

New in 2018, all WEST artists now fall into two main categories: Artists and Exhibitions. Artists identifies individual creatives and collaboratives, while Exhibitions includes all other participants, including group shows and time based experiences.This shift is intended to put the focus on the artists involved and with this change, all participants that do not fit in the artist category will be more heavily curated.

To participate in WEST, artists may apply here between January 23 and February 23. Please review the guidelines before applying. Artists may also attend Coffee Chats on January 25 at 8:30am to ask any questions about the guidelines or application. RSVP.


To participate in WEST, artists may apply here between January 23 and February 16. Please review the guidelines before applying.


How should you apply?

Artists apply here

An Individual artist or a collaborative
Open both weekends of WEST: May 12 – 13 & 19 – 20 from 11am – 6pm
Opening your own studio
Showing as a guest at a studio
A featured artist at a gallery
Showing in a pop up or temporary space
Artist Application


An event, performance, or art related activity during or after the tour hours
Demonstrations, workshops, artist talks, panel discusssions
Gallery exhibition featuring multiple artists
Pop up or temporary exhibition featuring multiple artists
Exhibition Application

Fellowship Program

Big Medium also provides opportunities to participate through our fellowship program. Big Medium awards scholarships based on artistic merit and financial limitations. WEST applicants may apply to receive partial or full financial support to cover the participation fee.

Fellowship Application

Call for Arts | Call for Entries