Apr 26, 2018
Many often ask what “the best” or “most popular” paint to use in their work. This is difficult to answer as the answer isn’t that simple as many factors go into choosing the right medium to paint with. Your own skill level, technique,...
Nov 9, 2017
Whether you are an aspiring photographer, or an artist creating a digital archive or just a enthusiastic hobbyist, many have (or have access to) DSLR and taking photos all the time. Some produce photographs which are actually blurry and come with visually unaesthetic...
Sep 18, 2017
As an artist, you want to get your work out there as much as possible. Exhibitions, gallery shows, art fairs and commissions are the usually the way most artists make their living. But with so many art exhibitions, galleries, shows, along with numerous other artists...
Jul 1, 2017
What is a call for art? Typically also referred to as “call for artists” or “call for entries,” all calls are typically requested by organizations, businesses and exhibitors looking for submissions by specific creative professionals. It is an...
May 1, 2017
Working as a portrait artists and looking for ways to promote your artwork. With all the recent call for arts focusing on people / portrait style art, we thought it useful to write a handy guide for our users. Below are tips by one of our artists that portrait artists...
Mar 24, 2017
Everyone has seen an oil painting, and most people can even say that they have seen a beautiful oil painting. Oil paints have been used to create some of the most beautiful and intriguing art works in the world today. Paintings created with oil paints can have a great...
Mar 24, 2017
When first starting out with acrylic painting, it can seem a little overwhelming. Although there are some lucky people who are instantly good at whatever they try, it is very likely that you will have some trouble when first starting out with acrylic paints. It is...
Mar 22, 2017
Differences between a resume and a curriculum vitae In the phases of human life, everyone comes across a very common set of questions. You also might have faced some of those common questions in your life. One of them is regarding CV and Resume. But before you can...
Call for Arts | Call for Entries