Calling for artwork by Arizona Latina artists reflecting on the importance of family and how the pandemic has affected family life. 2D and 3D work considered.

Selected artists are responsible for delivery and pick-up of artwork. We do not pay for shipping. The artwork will be installed under the direction and support of the Scottsdale Public Art preparatory staff. Work must meet gallery standards, be professionally presented, and ready to hang/install when delivered for installation.

GALLERY INFORMATION: Artworks can be any size up to 52 inches wide by 52 inches long for wall hanging. Sculptural work dimension limits for pedestals are 20 inches high by 15 inches deep by 15 inches wide. The gallery at Civic Center Library is 680 square feet, with 8-foot-tall walls, electric and data availability in the floor, and a cable and rod hanging system. The gallery walls shall not be pierced or affected by the installation. The hanging system must be used. D-Rings must be on the back of work to accommodate the hanging system. Wall-hung artworks shall be no more than 90 pounds each. 

The Civic Center Public Gallery is open during library hours, for hours due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Entry deadline: Sept. 15, 2022, at 11:59 p.m., MST (AZ)
PLEASE DO NOT CALL OR EMAIL. Please submit an application that must include the following: • A paragraph of (no more than) 250 words, stating the intent of your work for exhibition. Include your name on this document. • Up to 5 images for individual submission. Digital photographs ONLY (All digital images must be JPEG, 300dpi, and sized approximately 5 by 6 inches). • A list of the images that you have submitted. The identification list must include your name, address, phone number, image number, title of artwork, medium, and dimensions in height by width by depth. (See SAMPLE below). Apply on-line OR SEND ALL INFORMATION TO: OR by mail: Scottsdale Public Art Curatorial Staff: 7380 E 2nd St, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 Find application form and details online  

Please note: Existing artwork that fits this theme may be submitted for this call. The artwork must be acceptable for all ages. Artwork is not for sale at the gallery. We direct purchase inquiries to the artist. Artworks are insured while on display.

Call for Arts | Call for Entries