Underwater Films Only!
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, our “in person” event may not be held this year, so please stay tuned to our website for further details. We do however plan to hold a virtual film festival, and details will be available soon.
Please keep submitting your films!!
The first San Diego UnderSea Film Exhibition was first organized in 2000 by a small group who had been meeting at Chuck Nicklin’s dive shop to share information on shooting and editing underwater video. In the past twenty two years, it has grown into one of the most prestigious underwater film festivals worldwide. Help us make the 22nd festival the best ever by submitting your underwater film!
Our approach includes the opportunity to share your work with an appreciative audience, no entry fees, and a panel of independent judges who are distinguished in their fields.
Among the renowned videographers whose work has been displayed are Howard and Michele Hall, Flip Nicklin, Leandro Blanco, Terry Maas, Shawn Heinrichs, and Simon Spear.
June 15, 2021
Submit online https://filmfreeway.com/SanDiegoUnderSeaFilmExhibition
The films should be submitted in 1920 x 1080 resolution with 20 – 30 Mbps encoding in H.264 in .mov or .mp4 format. The film(s) submitted will be the exhibition version that will be screened as uploaded to FilmFreeway if your film(s) is/are selected. Please keep your audio from peaking over -6 dB, as the sound system will distort audio that goes above this volume level. Should your video be shot in 4K or higher, please submit an HD (1920 by 1080) down-converted exhibition version of your video.
Please provide relevant info, including the following:
1. The name of the film.
2. The name of the filmmaker(s).