Join us on Tuesday, January 9 from 5-6 p.m. at the Community Arts Workshop in Santa Barbara to learn more about the Call for Artists. The submission deadline is now extended until January 15, 2018.
The Santa Barbara County Office of Arts and Culture invites artists to submit proposals for a new exhibition of sculpture on State Street in Downtown Santa Barbara. The sculptures will be mounted on eight designated installation “pads” located on the State Street Corridor and anchored to the sidewalk below. The upcoming exhibition will feature sculpture by local artists from March – May 2018. This collaboration is supported by the City of Santa Barbara, the Santa Barbara Community Arts Workshop, Santa Barbara Beautiful, and the Downtown Organization: a map of the sculpture pad locations can be found below.
Past iterations of outdoor sculpture exhibitions on State Street have showcased artists such as Richard Aber, Ken Bortolazzo, Deborah Butterfield, Jim Dine, Donald Davis, Jeff Elings, Ed Inks, Bill Malis, Rafael Perea de la Cabada, Jeff Sanders, Helle Scharling-Todd, Nathan Snyder, James Surls, and Matthew Woodford. Images from some of the past installations on State Street can be found below.
ELIGIBILITY: This project is open to all professional artists and/or collaborative artist teams at least 18 years of age, working or residing in Santa Barbara County. Work needs to be appropriate for an outdoor location and able to accommodate pedestrian foot traffic. Artists do not need to create new sculpture for this project and can choose to submit or loan existing work for the exhibition. Artists may submit multiple sculptures for consideration and multiple sculptures may be selected from the same artist.
BUDGET: The selected artists will receive an honorarium of $750 per sculpture/ per pad for the term of the art loan. The Office of Arts and Culture will manage the transportation, maintenance, and installation of each work and underwrite the cost of these items with generous support from Santa Barbara Beautiful.
▪ Artist statement (please upload formatted file)
▪ Resume or Curriculum Vitae (please upload formatted file)
▪ Biography (please upload formatted file)
▪ If possible, any record of producing, implementing, or facilitating civically-engaged art (please upload formatted file)
▪ 3-5 images of work with corresponding list including dimensions, medium, title, weight, and current location OR a sculpture proposal drawn by hand or with computer graphics with approximate size, weight, and materials to be used (there is the capacity to upload video files as well)
▪ Description of proposed project and how it will suit the requirements of the Call for Artists. Please consider the following aspects when describing your project: activation of site, potential interactive or kinetic elements, and possibilities for engaging the community through the work of art.
*Please note that any artists submitting multiple works for consideration will need to submit an application for each work.
EXTENDED DEADLINE: January 15, 2018 at 5:00 p.m.
QUESTIONS: For more information, please visit or email the Santa Barbara County Office of Arts and Culture at
Download the Call for Artists.
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