The Glen Arbor Arts Center is moving art outdoors. The Clothesline Exhibit, July 24 – August 27, is an open-air exhibition of small work. This year’s theme, Wild Friends, challenges makers of all skills to create an unframed painting, drawing, photograph or collage on a single, 5” x 7” sheet of paper around this theme. Each work will be placed in a sealed plastic envelope and pinned to a clothesline in front of the GAAC building at 6031 S. Lake St., Glen Arbor.
Submissions must have the maker’s name, and email contact on the back of the artwork. Artists may drop off submissions at the GAAC during regular office hours; or mail them to the GAAC: PO Box 305, Glen Arbor, Michigan 49636.
Deadline for submissions is July 6
There is no charge to participate. For more information please call the GAAC at 231/334-6112.
RETURN OF ARTWORK: Artwork may be picked up at the GAAC at the end of the exhibition; or returned by mail if a pre-paid, self-addressed envelope is provided.