The MC Erny Gallery at WHQR is currently accepting submissions from artists for the next ten shows that will run from September 2019 through early 2021. Artwork must be two dimensional and able to hang on a wall.Artists must electronically submit their information along with three examples of artwork by June 1, 2019. A jury will meet in June to select the artists.

We ask that submissions include an artist statement, dimensions, medium, pricing suggestions, and any suggestions and/or ideas for an exhibit at the WHQR Gallery.

WHQR’s MC Erny Gallery Specifications 
TheMC Erny Gallery  has approximately 900 square feet of total floor space. There is roughly 66 feet of linear wall space, and the ceiling height is approximately 12 feet. Regular Gallery hours are Monday – Friday from 10AM to 4PM.

Exhibition Details

Art exhibitions rotate every two months. WHQR will host an opening reception and one additional reception on Fourth Friday nights. The artist(s) is/are expected to pay for 50% of the reception costs. The artist’s half is about $250 per show (2 receptions). The majority of the pieces must be available for purchase. WHQR will retain 35% of the sale price as a commission. If you would like to submit as a group, each person should submit individually and note in “suggestions/ideas” that you are a part of a group, noting other artists names/name of group.  Typical pricing for pieces in our gallery range from $40-$400, with occasional major pieces in the $1000-$2000 range. Depending on the work, our gallery sells anywhere from 2-25 pieces per show. At times, we have almost sold out a whole show. This varies wildly depending on how the art is received by the public.  If you have any questions about submitting your artwork, please email Katelyn Freund at  

Call for Arts | Call for Entries