Snehta is an organisation formed in 2012 in Athens with the purpose of bringing international artists and curators into contact with the Athenian art scene. The residency aims to expand artistic activity and research in the city, fostering new relationships and collaborations internally but also beyond the borders of Athens and Greece. They are offering six contemporary art practitioners the opportunity to live and work in Athens, for two months each during autumn 2017: three artists in September and October and three in November and December. In addition, Snehtas work with Elika Gallery strives to make selected residents work more commercially available.

The artists will be selected by a curator who will be in discussion with the artists prior to and during their visit to Athens about their work and intentions. The project thus intends to facilitate a collaboration between the artists, the curators and the local scene. Applicants must demonstrate an enthusiasm for engaging with the city of Athens, and responding to it in their own work. The residency aims to provide a platform for artists to forge collaborative relationships within the city, but also beyond the confines of the residency.

Selected artists will be encouraged to interact with other Athens-based organisations and creative individuals. Snehta will offer translation of texts from English to Greek and can work as mediators for the presentation and creation of proposals for additional projects.

For a fee of £690 per month, Snehta offers lodgings, a bedroom and a studio per artist. A deposit of £100 will also be required. Note: the residency doesnt provide the artists with meals or materials.

Application specifications can be accessed at the link below. Application Info
Deadline: Jun. 15, 2017

Call for Arts | Call for Entries